Diario de Pontevedra, 05/05/2023: «Hay bacterias que demostraron ser resistentes a más de 27 antibióticos a la vez».
Nós Diario, 04/05/2023: «A resistencia das bacterias é moi alarmante nos hospitais»
Faro de Vigo, 27/04/2023: «Las bacterias van a una velocidad difícil de alcanzar, un fármaco es costoso en tiempo»
Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, Madrid 10 11 2022
Faculty of Chemistry, Santiago de Compostela October 18th 2022
for more information:
Xornal USC, link
El correo gallego, 18 10 2022 (link)
La voz de Galicia, 20 10 2022 (link)
My contribution to " 64 mujeres protagonistas "
El Correo Gallego, 25 Julio 2022 (link)
" A Pandemia Silenciosa "
Grateful to the GEQOR of the RSEQ for the Ignacio Ribas Medal Award 2021
Granada, 01/07/2022
Science: it is a Women´s and Girls´ thing
Interview in the program "CONVIVIR"
Radio Galega, 18/11/2021 (link)
Entrevista en la Voz de Galicia
La voz de Galicia, 08/05/2021 (link)
February 12, 2021
Visualizing Women in Science
"11 Febreiro - International day for women and girls in science"
IES Pontepedriña, Santiago de Compostela
November 26, 2020
Delighted that GAIN, Xunta de Galicia, finances our project to advance in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 (link)
November 18, 2020
En la semana mundial del uso responsable de los antibióticos, esta es nuestra contribución a la llamada Mundial a la concienciación
For further reading visit The Conversation link.
October 26, 2020
Deeply shocked and saddened by the loss of Prof. Chris Abell, my mentor in Chemical Biology and a good friend. We will miss you.
For further reading visit the link.
October 27, 2020
Congratulations Diana Rodríguez!!!!
Habemus a New Doctora
December 5, 2019
Congratulations Adrián Robles!!!!
Habemus a New Doctor
November 29, 2019
Delighted ..............Marina Pernas is Already Doctor
Sharing our Research at the "XXV Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química"
Santiago de Compostela, 20-22 November 2019
Very Glad to Participate as a Kenote Speaker at the International Conference "Drug Development: from Design to Customer"
Yerevan, Armenia, September 23-25th, 2019
Spectacular and Unforgettable Hospitality of the Armenian Organizers........
Great Representation of Our Group in the "ECBS/LS EuChemS, European Chemical Biology Symposium"
Madrid, 3-5 April 2019
Spreading Science "La Química frente al Reto de las Súper-Bacterias"
IES Leixa, Ferrol, 15 March 2019
Venue: Salón de Actos del ITQ (link)
Date: Lunes 8 de Abril 12.00h
M. Satyanarayana, C&EN 2018, 96(49), 16-19.
Boston, MA, August 19-23 2018
See the interview by MedChemNet
Boston, MA, August 19-23 2018
Our article "Reducing the Flexibility of Type II Dehydroquinase for Inhibition: A Fragment‐Based Approach and Molecular Dynamics Study" (DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.201700396) has been included in the ChemMedChem Virtual Issue on Antibacterials, available at bit.ly/cmdcantibac18.
All entries in this Virtual Issue will be free to download and read until December 2018 .
CiQUS Principal Investigator @GonzalezBello_C participates in Mexico as a #specialguest and #KeynoteSpeaker of the IV Symposium 'Tendencias actuales en la búsqueda y desarrollo de
On April 6th 2018, María Maneiro has defended her doctoral thesis entitled “New Enzyme Inhibitors Involved in Virulence, Metabolism and Resistance Mechanism of Bacteria for the Treatment of Multi-Resistant Bacterial Infections”.
"16th Iberian Peptide Meeting & 4th ChemBio Group Meeting"
Barcelona, 5-7 February 2018
"Drug Discovery India 2017"
Bengaluru, 14-15 September 2017
Photocall at Campus Vida, Santiago de Compostela, 18 July 2017
From right to left: Ángela Rodríguez, Adrián Robles, Michele Panciera, Marina Pernas, Maria Maneiro, Emilio Lence, Mari Fontán and Concepción González Bello
On September 23th 2016, Verónica Prado has defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Inhibitors of the Shikimate Kinase Enzyme for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections: Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation”.
Read more in this link.
Read more in this link.
The prestigious American journal, 'Journal of Medicinal Chemistry', which is focused on the latest advances in drug discovery, has recently highlighted a recent work from our research group, with the participation of researchers from the University of Newcastle in UK and the Hospital Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC), in which we have developed new compounds to face with the stomach infections caused by the pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori that act by a novel mechanism of action.
Read more in this CIQUS link.
Diana was awarded with one of the prizes for the best poster communications at the III biennial Meeting of the Chemical Biology Group and XII Carbohydrate Symposium held in Madrid, March 14-16 2016. The poster described her work on the development of irreversible Inhibitors of oxacillinase enzymes for the treatment of multi-resistant nosocomial infections.
In a research article recently published by the prestigious American journal, Journal of American Chemical Society (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 9333-9343), researchers from Concepción González-Bello´s group in the CiQUS, and with the participation of researchers from the University of Newcastle in UK, the A Coruña´s University Hospital Complex (CHUAC) and the National Centre of Biotechnology (CNB) in Madrid, describe the development of a new compound that is able to put the brakes on to bacterial virulence, specially Gram-negative bacteria – the “hospital nightmare”.
To read more....(link)
On the Organizing Committee of
4nd International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing
Atlanta, November 02-04, 2015
María Maneiro (left) and Verónica Prado (right) giving a talk at ECBS & ICBS Joint meeting,
Berlin, 7-9 October 2015
Marina Pernas and Adrián Robles defending their posters.
19th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Lisbon, July 12-16 2015
Verónica Prado (left) giving a talk and María Maneiro (right) defending her poster at the SPANISH-ITALIAN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY CONGRESS (SIMMC 2015).
Barcelona 12-15 July, 2015.
Este trabajo ha sido seleccionado como uno de los finalistas que optarán al II Premio Universitario de Comunicación Científica “Contar a Ciencia”, de GCiencia e "la Caixa". Este concurso está abierto a estudiantes de Periodismo y Comunicación de Santiago, La Coruña y Pontevedra, que presentarán reportajes sobre investigaciones universitarias. El ganador obtendrá un premio de 400 euros y una tablet, y habrá dos finalistas que se llevarán 100 euros y una tablet. Los 10 seleccionados dispondrán también de un diploma acreditativo.
La elección del ganador y de los dos finalistas correrá a cargo de un jurado formado por representes de GCiencia, el Colegio Profesional de Periodistas de Galicia, La Caixa, la Secretaría General de Universidades, el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y las tres universidades.
In the Organizing Committee
San Francisco (USA), December 8-10 2014
Our recent paper "Mechanistic Insight into the Reaction Catalysed by Bacterial Type II Dehydroquinase" in collaboration with Prof. Gago´s group has been selected for the SPOTLIGHT of the journal as follows:
In this paper, Federico Gago, Concepción González-Bello and colleagues have identified the residue in bacterial type II dehydroquinases that deprotonates the essential tyrosine responsible for triggering the catalytic process, and provide details of the motions required for the catalytic turnover. A previously unknown key role for the essential arginine residue and two conserved arginines is also reported.
Our finding has had great repercussion in the media
II Meeting of the RSEQ Chemical Biology Group and XIV Iberian Peptide Meeting in Bilbao, February 4-6, 2014
María Maneiro wins one of the three best Oral Communication Awards at the II Meeting of the RSEQ Chemical Biology Group
Silvia Díaz
Veónica Prado
Marina Pernas
Adrián Robles
XVII SEQT National Meeting: "Advances on Drug Discovery: Successes Trends and Future Challenges" in Madrid, October 2-5, 2013
On the Front Page - The Three faces of the Type II Dehydroquinase Enzyme
A recent article of the group has been selected as the cover of the latest issue of the journal ACS Chemical Biology (ACS Chem. Biol. 2013, 8, 568–577). The cover depicts how 2-benzyl-3-dehydroquinic acids inactivate this essential enzyme in bacteria by causing a significant conformational change in the flexible loop, which is essential for its function. These changes (closed and semi-closed) depend on the substitution of the aromatic moiety of the inhibitors.
Lorena Tizón Achieve One of Three 2012 Lilly Awards for Doctoral Students
The European Committee of Lilly Pharmaceutical gave one of three 2012 Lilly Awards for Doctoral Students to Lorena Tizón, for her research on antibiotics during her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Prof. Concepción González-Bello.
The award ceremony took place on September 28 at the center of Lilly in Alcobendas. The winners gave an oral communication on their research during their thesis. In the event, attended by their thesis supervisors, also participated two well-known international scientists as plenary speakers, Prof. Phil S. Baran from the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA and Cristina Nevado of the University of Zürich, Switzerland.
Beatriz Blanco wins the Best Poster Prizes in the International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry - Interfacing Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery (RICT 2012), in Poitiers, France, July 4-6, 2012.
Great success of “1st Biennial Meeting of the Chemical Biology Group (RSEQ)” that it took place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain (March 8-9th, 2012; www.usc.es/qbrseq/).
Opening section at the Faculty of Biology, USC, March 8th, 2012
From left to right: Juan R. Granja, Niels-Christian Reichardt, Modesto Orozco, José Luis Mascareñas, Concepción González-Bello, Oliver Seitz, Federico Gago, Shankar Balasubramanian and Sonsoles Martín-Santamaría.
Beatriz Blanco